
Playing With Shutter Speed

Birmingham, AL

Campbell and I decided to spend tonight playing with my new D40x. It was night, so all the pictures I was taking of people weren't turning out well, so I decided to turn the shutter speed down to around 10s or so. I got some great results. The picture above is one of Downtown Birmingham. For this shot, I set the shutter speed to 10 seconds and put it slightly out of focus. I held the camera in my hand and lowered the camera while the shutter was closed. This was my favorite picture of the night.

Homewood, AL

For the second picture, we went to a street in Homewood where the Christmas decorations were still up. There were a few cars on the road, so it added to the irregular motion. For this photo, I set the shutter speed to 4 seconds and rotated the camera on a tri-pod 90 degrees. The bight white light was a car that was driving toward us, and while driving flashed their brights. I think it added an interesting effect to the photo.


Mr. Myers said...

nice shots Patrick. I wanted to comment on the robots shot but for some reason the comments don't seem to be working. I like the shallow depth of field and the camera view point you chose. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

i hate you u have no life and no chance of a career ion this you need to give up on ur life and go get a blue collar labor job because you swuck. u remind me alot of a piece of poo.

Anonymous said...

jk i like the photo love blakely